Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

1-2 Journal

1-2 Journal

Q Instructions Review your research and biography from the Module One dis-cussion. Begin your journal assignment with a short one-paragraph biography that includes key personal information and any writing or publishing experience. Then, write a second para-graph to reflect on your biography, explaining why the personal and professional information you have included might be im-portant to your readers. Include the track you are identifying with for this course—agent, editor, or publisher. After choosing a publisher, editor, or agent, record that choice in this journal assignment. Future activities in this course will utilize this choice. Justify your reasoning for this choice based on your particular needs and how it aligns with your own creative work. For additional details, refer to the Module One Journal Guidelines and Rubric PDF document.

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David grew up moving all across the United States due to his father's work and through this got to know a wide variety of people from many different backgrounds. He drew upon those expe-riences to create a strong, varied cast of characters while writing this novel and plans to continue to draw from them as he works on the next two parts of the trilogy. David currently lives in a fourth-floor walk-up apartment in Waterloo, Iowa and doesn't plan to move again because he doesn't want to carry anything up or down stairs ever again.